CREATRIX 1:1 Mentoring

I am open for an intimate number of 1:1 mentoring in 2025 with devoted Women ~ which I personalize based on your goals, desires and intentions.

Some of the themes, edges and frequencies that are a match for us to explore together:

  • Photography / Imagery of Essence, Intimacy, Soul and Depth / Self Portraiture / Ceremonial Photography

  • Moving from making Emotionally and Externally driven art, to Energetically conscious art / finding sustainable healing harmony and service here

  • Embracing, embodying, integrating the Feminine Energetics of Creation vs Logical Ego Mind patterns

  • Living and experiencing your fully expressed and liberated Woman

  • Creative blocks / Creative or Expression limitations and beliefs

  • Deepen your knowing / Sharpen your sight / Trusting the truth of the Unseen

  • Creative life direction (or re-direction) / you’re holding back in your art / you know/sense there is more but it feels out of your touch, each or even understanding and comprehension

  • Mothering as a Spiritual Creatrix / Daily Rituals / Well Nourished Embodied Mother

  • Closed throat / Voice, Singing and Truth speaking expression / Your True tone and resonance

  • Vocal liberation / Rememberance + Embodiment of the power you hold within you

  • Midlife Creative Threshold / The Oracle within and your art as your guide

I offer 90 minute online or in person Readings ~ Activation Sessions, as well as longer mentorship from 5 weeks to 12 months private containers.

Activation Sessions are $250 ~ get in touch for longer mentorship investment options!

Option to add an in-person in depth 2 day retreat + Ceremonial photoshoot at the end, to close the journey, and the gift of visual poetry (images of you, the Muse) as Medicine to take with you.

Your Creatrix, your Voice is your gateway to your next level.

I’ll tell you something…what I am really good at, isn’t so much photography, as it is pointing to the nearest edge, to what is real and asking to be brought forth: like “this wants to be seen, felt, expressed, experienced…look at it, really be with it.”

I ask that you fill out an intensive questionnaire prior to being in touch, that allows me to feel you and your language, where you are in your process, where you need support and guidance.